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Seed Library On The Move!

By Julia W., Community Engagement Coordinator We hope you’ve had the opportunity to explore HEPL’s Seed Library this year! The Seed Library contains more than 140 different varieties of flowers, herbs, and vegetables and is open to all residents of Hamilton County...

Choosing Seeds with the HEPL Seed Library

By Julia W., Community Engagement Coordinator Spring is almost here, and the HEPL Seed Library is officially open! Many of our users have asked how to select the right seeds for their yard, so we’ll look at some things you’ll want to take into consideration.  ...

Seed Library 2024

The 2024 HEPL Seed Library will open on Monday, March 4! We love hearing about your gardens every year, and we know the Seed Library is very important to library users. Our hope is that with the HEPL Seed Library, you will explore how wonderful gardening can be, no...

5 Lessons I Learned As A Novice Gardener

By Heidi Herald, Public Services Librarian In 2019, HEPL (Hamilton East Public Library) opened the Seed Library, which allows patrons to select seeds to grow in their gardens or in pots. The Seed Library has flower, fruit/vegetable, and herb seeds available that are...