Online Databases
If you access our online databases while at the library, just click on the database you are interested in and begin exploring. If you are using a computer outside the library, you will need to enter your library card number (or student ID) and PIN (the default PIN is the last four digits of your library card number) into the login screen. Due to contractual agreements, not all borrower accounts may be able to access these resources from outside the library, in which case we encourage you to visit the library to use our computers.
If you encounter problems the first time you attempt to log in, please clear your browser’s cookies and try again.
Select category
Around The Globe

A to Z: Maps Online
A to Z Maps Online is a valuable teaching tool with 2,700 full-color flag images and icons, 300 geography crossword puzzles, 267 geography lesson plans, 30 interactive geography games, and quizzes.
Around The Globe

A to Z: The USA
Around The Globe

A to Z: World Travel
Genealogy & History

American Ancestors
American Ancestors includes the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-1994, church and cemetery records, land and military records, various newspapers and periodicals, immigration and vital records, local histories, town and probate records, and other miscellaneous records.
Genealogy & History

IN-LIBRARY ACCESS ONLY – Ancestry provides instant access to a wide range of unique resources for genealogical and historical research.
Learn how to use this database here.
General Information

APS Journals
IN-LIBRARY ACCESS ONLY – The American Physical Society (APS) provides free online access to all APS journals in US public libraries and high schools. This initiative is offered by APS as a contribution to public engagement with the ongoing development of scientific understanding.
Entertainment | Print Media

Check out BookFlix to build a love of reading and learning with paired fiction and nonfiction–online! For grades PreK-3. Available only on library computers and over library wifi network at this time.
General Information

Consumer Reports
Consumerreports.org provides access to buying advice, product ratings, product reviews, recommendations, videos, and money-saving advice and tips to enable consumers to make better purchasing decisions.
General Information | Make & Create

Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
Business & Finance

Data Axle Reference Solutions (Formerly Reference USA)
Data Axle Reference Solutions gives library patrons and business owners access to data on over 17 million businesses and 320 million consumers. With Reference Solutions, you can find jobs by job skills, location, and industry; find business opportunities; view historical market trends; track down addresses and phone numbers; and more!
Learn how to use this database here.

EBSCOhost ebooks
The EBSCOhost ebook collection contains titles formerly on the netLibrary platform, as well as new purchases from Ebsco. Click on the link, then the eBooks logo on the bottom right corner of the page.
General Information

FactCite is a comprehensive online database with thousands of searchable full-text articles and printable illustrations. FactCite incorporates powerful Thunderstone search technology.
Genealogy & History

Fold3 is a place where original historical documents are combined with social networking in order to create a truly unique experience involving the stories of our past.
Learn how to use this database here.
Print Media

Gale Directory Library
Gale Directory Library offers you an online collection of premier directories, expanding your power to search for directory entries in a variety of ways, as well as giving you quick and easy digital ways to view, store and export the data you find.
General Information

Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
General Information

Gale In Context: Elementary
Gale in Context: Elementary engages students with interesting facts about a subject, along with connections to current events, and includes books, magazines, news, and more than 13,000 images.
General Information

Gale In Context: Global Issues
Integrating news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more in a single search—Gale In Context:Global Issues is updated daily and offers 250 different country topic pages and more than 400 Issue pages.
General Information

Gale In Context: High School
Gale in Context: High School is a database of full-text newspapers and magazines, ebooks, interactive maps, and thousands of images, videos, and audio selections.
General Information

Gale In Context: Literature
Gale in Context: Literature helps students succeed by providing the context they need to connect with the literature they’re studying. It includes a variety of content types including primary sources, reference articles, multimedia, and interactive infographics to support a deeper understanding. There are also full-text works and essential questions to engage and challenge students.
General Information

Gale In Context: Opposing View Points
Opposing Viewpoints, a virtual library of resources from Gale designed to aid students in the study of today’s hottest social issues.
General Information

Gale In Context: Science
Gale In Context: Science is an engaging resource that provides contextual information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics.
General Information

Gale In Context: U.S. History
General Information

Gale In Context: World History
Gale in Context: World History reaches back to the ancient world—and forward to today’s headlines—to deliver a chronicle of the people, cultures, events, and societies that have formed the history of the human race. Rare primary sources, reliable reference, and multimedia content are aligned to curriculum and put this vast subject into context for students.
Genealogy & History

Gale Primary Sources: Archives Unbound
Around The Globe

Global Road Warrior
The Global Road Warrior Library Edition is the most comprehensive business travel, telecommunications and business culture reference available in the world and covers 175 countries.

Google Books
Google Books allows you to search and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide. Discover a new favorite or unearth an old classic.
Genealogy & History

Hamilton County History
Digitized collection of historical pictures from around Hamilton County.
General Information

With the HEPL app, users can access a digital library card, search for materials, place holds, manage their account, renew items, view upcoming events, reserve study rooms, and more!
Genealogy & History

Heritage Quest
Heritage Quest is a genealogy database with primary source materials, local and family histories. When viewing from home, images may not display correctly in Chrome and Firefox.
Learn how to use this database here.

Hoopla allows you to stream movies, TV shows, Music & Audio Books as well as read E-Books and Comics. Stream, read, or temporarily download up to ten videos, music, audio books, e-books and comics each month on your computer or mobile device. Valid e-mail address and Hamilton East Public Library card required.
General Information

Indiana Gateway
Gateway collects and provides access to information about how taxes and other public dollars are budgeted and spent by Indiana’s local units of government.
General Information

Inspire Indiana Virtual Library
INSPIRE can be used to research current events, science, business, health, notable people, hobbies, and much more from your library, school, home or office. INSPIRE is supported by the Institute of Museums and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Indiana State Library.
General Information

Legal Forms – Self Service
Maintained by the State of Indiana, the Self Service Legal Center aims to provide information and resources for people seeking to represent themselves in court. It provides access to court forms, guidelines on child support, recommendations on where to submit legal questions, and more.

Libby, By Overdrive
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started. Learn more at overdrive.com/apps/libby/. Learn how to use this database here.
The legacy OverDrive app has been discontinued. If you need assistance, visit https://help.overdrive.com.

LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening.
Around The Globe | Online Learning

Mango is a free library resource for library patrons and offers access to 60 foreign language courses and 17 English courses taught in the user’s native language. Each lesson combines real life situations and audio from native speakers with simple, clear instructions.
Business & Finance

Morningstar’s Investing Center
Morningstar’s Investing Center provides investment research, including stock and fund analysis, reports, and tools, as well as company, investing, and financial news.
Learn how to use this database here.
Around The Globe

National Geographic Kids
Fun and substantive, National Geographic Kids will take kids on amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Includes National Geographic Kids magazine 2009-present (3 month embargo), 200 National Geographic Kids books, and 500 kid-friendly, downloadable images.
Genealogy & History | Print Media

Newspapers.com Hamilton County Collection
IN-LIBRARY ACCESS ONLY – A collection of 14 Hamilton County papers representing coverage from 1937-2008. This collection makes titles including The Newspaper and The Noblesville Ledger available for the first time ever in a searchable format.
Genealogy & History | Print Media

Newspapers.com World Collection
Newspapers.com makes it easy to search for birth announcements, marriage announcements, obituaries, advertisements, local sports articles, social pages, and much more. Hamilton County newspapers ranging from 1837-1922 (with some titles available up to 1963) and worldwide newspapers are accessible at home with a library card or in-library.
Business & Finance | Online Learning

Niche Academy
With Niche Academy, you have access to free tutorials on computer skills, job readiness, social media platforms, library applications and more. Create an account to track your progress, or simply watch a skills video for a quick refresher.
Print Media

NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList K-8 Plus is a comprehensive reading resource for fiction and nonfiction. With its fun and intuitive interface, and extensive feature content, NoveList K-8 Plus will help you integrate reading across the curriculum and support your young readers.
Print Media

NoveList Plus®
NoveList Plus® is a powerful online tool to ensure that library patrons find books that will keep them reading and coming back to the library for more. A unique, easy-to-use, searchable online database with over 251,000 fiction and nonfiction titles, NoveList Plus includes specialized content such as Read-alikes for popular authors, book discussion guides, award lists and much more.

OverDrive offers downloadable ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines, accessible on your computer.
Learn how to use this database here.
For a mobile-friendly experience, try Libby!
General Information

IN-LIBRARY ACCESS ONLY – PebbleGo, the award winning PreK-3 database for reading and research, introduces Earth and Space concepts to your early readers! Now your students can choose PebbleGo Animals or PebbleGo Earth and Space.
General Information

PebbleGo Next
IN-LIBRARY ACCESS ONLY – PebbleGo Next contains content for students in grades 3-6, including articles and fast facts on all 50 states and articles on American Indian tribes and culture.
General Information

PowerKnowledge is a content-driven, visually-stimulating, and media-rich online science resource specifically designed for learners in grades 3 to 6. Now researchers have access to modules on Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth and Space Science.

Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free e-books: choose among free epub books, free Kindle books – download them or read them online.
General Information

Salem History
Salem History is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets.
General Information

Scholastic Teachables
Scholastic Teachables offers printable activities for any subject: math, science, reading comprehension, STEM, writing, and more. Download printable lesson plans, reading passages, games and puzzles, clip art, bulletin board ideas, and skills sheets for students.
Print Media

The Indianapolis Star
Search the full text of The Indianapolis Star from May 21, 1991 to the present.
Print Media

The New York Times
Public library access to The New York Times offers many key features including breaking news coverage, video and multimedia access, international news coverage, mobile phone and tablet apps and of course the book review that you can access any day of the week without waiting until Sunday for the print copy.
Print Media

The Wall Street Journal Eastern Addition
In addition to being the financial newspaper of record, ProQuest’s The Wall Street Journal provides full-text coverage of politics, society, and events of the time, from 1984 to present.
Online Learning

Treehouse is an online platform for beginning and advanced users to learn various web development and programming skills. New users will have to fill out an information form first, located here.
Entertainment | Print Media

TrueFlix is an online resource that combines award-winning True Books content with reading supports and a deep and diverse collection of related videos, images, web links, and text.
Entertainment | Print Media

TumbleBook Library
The TumbleBook Library is a collection of animated, talking picture books. TumbleBooks are created from existing picture books which we have licensed from children’s book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook format.
Learn how to use this database here.
Business & Finance

Value Line
Value Line contains accurate, in-depth financial information on 1,700 actively traded, U.S. exchange-listed equities, in over 90 industry sectors. Renowned full-page stock reports are densely packed with current and historical data, income statements, balance sheets, and 3-5 year price and earnings projections. Also included are objective commentaries from expert analysts; aggregate data and ratings on industries and markets; customizable screens, graphs, technical charts and other stock evaluation tools, and pre-set and custom model portfolios.
Learn how to use this database here.
General Information

World Book Reference Center
Includes World Book Reference Center for advanced researchers, Info Finder for school-aged information seekers, World Book for Kids for younger children, and World Book Discover for ESL and Adult Literacy students.
General Information

WorldCat is a database that allows researchers to search the combined catalogs of hundreds of libraries around the world. It contains more than 52 million records for books, journals, audiovisual materials and more. This source can help researchers find items, verify citations, and see at which libraries any given item is available.