We are happy that you are visiting us on the web.
Remember that the Hamilton East Public library is for everyone – our intention is to enrich the community and bring the world right to your doorstep. We offer a wide variety of services for the whole family, so come and visit us when you get a chance.
If you find that you have questions about our services or our policies, we encourage you to reach out to us. We are happy to answer any questions that you have.
Library Policies & Information
Public Service Policies Manual
The library is a place that belongs to everyone. The Hamilton East Public Library Board establishes policies to assure the safety of users and staff, to protect the library resources and facilities from damage, and to guide behaviors in order to provide unimpeded use of the library and normal staff functions without conflicts to the mission of the library.
Mission Statement
The vision of the Hamilton East Public Library is to be a connected library in a connected community.
Innovation • Discovery • Equality • Accessibility
Diversity Statement
In keeping with our mission, vision, and guiding principles (Innovation, Discovery, Equality, and Accessibility), we affirm the dignity of all humankind through development of inclusive policies, physical and virtual environments, and in all aspects of our community role.
We strive to embed equity, diversity, accessibility and inclusion into the framework of everything we do.
Our shared goal at Hamilton East Public Library is to provide service and access to everyone independent of age, ancestry, citizenship status, gender identity, genetic information, mental health, national or ethnic origin, physical health, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, size, socio-economic factors or veteran status.
Service District
The Hamilton East Public Library levies taxes within the area composed of Delaware, Fall Creek, Noblesville and Wayne townships of Hamilton County, Indiana. This includes the incorporated Town of Fishers and City of Noblesville. Persons residing in or paying property taxes for property located within the library district shall be the primary target for services of the library and shall not be charged for a library card or for most basic library services.
Library Materials
Hamilton East Public Library serves a large and diverse community. Within our community, groups and individuals have diverse interests, backgrounds, and needs, and the library was created to serve all people within our service district.
Library Policies & Information
Behavior Policy
Board Meeting Information and Guidelines
Capital Assets Policy
Circulation Policy
Collection Development Policy
Digital Media Creation Policy
Displays, Bulletin Boards and Information Racks Policy
Diversity Statement
Donations Policy
Epidemic/Pandemic Policy
Fine and Fee Amnesty Policy
Ignite Gallery and Art Exhibit Policy
Internet & Computer Use Policy
Investment Policy
Meeting Room Policies
Parking Lot Policy
Petitions, Electioneering, and Leafleting Policy
Privacy Policy
Programming Policy
Schedule of Board Meeting Dates and Closings
Social Media Policy
Suspension and Expulsion Policy
Telephone Policy
Video Surveillance Policy