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February 10, 2023

Seed Library Reopening For 2023

The 2023 HEPL Seed Library will open for the year on Wednesday, March 1, and we are so excited to share this year’s collection with you! In 2022, HEPL loaned out more than 56,000 seed packets – our highest number ever! That means more plants out in our community, including food and flowers.

Our hope is that through the Seed Library, you will discover new plants and be fearless with your gardening journey, whether this is the first time you’ve planted seeds or you’re a seasoned gardener. Many gardeners have told us that they enjoy sharing their progress with friends and family, and often, kids find as much joy from gardening as adults. We also label our plants by difficulty level so you can choose the plants that best fit your life.

Visit the Seed Library webpage for a complete list of seeds and growing guides. Don’t forget to tag us on social media (@hamiltoneastpl #heplgrowers) if you post pictures of your garden!

How does the Seed Library work?

The Seed Library is open to all Hamilton County residents. Beginning March 1, you can come to the Fishers or Noblesville Library to get a maximum of 20 seed packets per library cardholder for the 2023 growing season. We follow the honor system, so no need to check in with a staff member unless you have questions. You are not required to return seeds, but we do welcome your harvested seeds to share again with our community.

How It Works: Explaining the Seed Library

Can I get seeds for my school/community group/nonprofit?

Yes! We love working with the schools and with community groups and HOAs to beautify Fishers and Noblesville. If you’d like to partner with us, please reach out at [email protected].

What kind of seeds do you have?

There are 140 types of seeds in HEPL’s collection this year, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, and even a native grass. The seeds are non-GMO and open-pollinated. We do not collect hybrid plants in the collection since the seeds from these plants will not breed true.

We always try to mix in a few fresh plants to our collection. This year, we have several new varieties: Ping Tung eggplant, Aconagua peppers, Buena Mulata peppers, Scarlet Nantes carrots, Black Futsu squash, Brandywine tomatoes, scabiosa, phlox, Little Bluestem grass, Striped German tomatoes, rose mallow, chives, Munstead lavender, native columbine, Swamp marigold, and more.

You’ll also see the return of many of your favorites, including five different sunflower varieties, zinnias, Matt’s Wild Cherry tomatoes, Kentucky Wonder beans, New Zealand spinach, Sweet Thai basil, and Dragon carrots.


Gardening Help & Resources from Hamilton East Public Library

One of the pleasures of gardening is that there’s always something new to learn, whether this the first year you’ve tried a garden or you’ve been gardening your entire life. The library has a large gardening book collection (search the catalog for your specific topics). You can also try our Gardening with Kathy videos on YouTube, covering everything from starting seeds indoors to saving seeds and many gardening needs in between. We also have a slate of gardening-related programs each year, including:

Starting Seeds Indoors on Monday, February 13 | 6:30-7:30pm | Fishers Library

Plant Propagation on Tuesday, March 14 | 6:30-7:30pm | Noblesville Library

For even more information and updates, check HEPL’s Bright Ideas email newsletter, visit the Seed Library webpage for a complete list of plants, watch HEPL’s social media, or email us for more information at [email protected].