By Chris Gall
Chris Gall, award-winning author and illustrator takes us into the world of NanoBots. What are NanoBots you ask? Well they are “nanoscale” sized robots. Nano refers to one-billionth of something. Nanometer, for example, is one-billionth of a meter- in other words very, very small.
The book starts with a brilliant young inventor constructing a crew of mighty very small NanoBots, each with its own special skill and the ability to change the world. For example, the Seeker Bots explore unseen worlds such as the nearly invisible beings living in a drop of pond water and the GuardoBots who will watch over you. They use force fields to keep any bedroom safe from the monsters and “under-the-bedders”.
The NanoBots become true heroes when The Inventor enters them in a very important show. It is a contest for Best New Invention. They meet a much bigger robot that needs their help. Working together they each do their part to help the big robot as only they can.
The inventor is disappointed that his NanoBots don’t win (simply because the judges couldn’t see them) but is proud of them for helping a fellow robot.
Not only did I really like the storyline I loved the illustrations. Bright, colorful pages that really drew you into the story.
At the end of the book Chris Gall talks about the real possibility of a future of NanoBots, Nano-Robotics. Within the next five to twenty years the reality of NanoBots in the field of medicine, industry, environment and exploration may come true.
Get out your magnifying glasses!
Review By: Johnna Isbell