On April 9, 2020 at 4:15 via Zoom, the Board will hold a public hearing to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the following proposed two projects: (i) renovation of and improvements to Fishers Library, including site improvements and the purchase of real estate, equipment and technology (the “Fishers Library Project”); and (ii) renovation of and improvements to Noblesville Library, including site improvements and the purchase of real estate, equipment and technology (the “Noblesville Library Project”, which with the Fishers Library Project shall collectively be referred to as the “Projects”).
On April 23, 2020, the Board will hold a second public hearing to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed Projects and will also consider the adoption of a resolution making a preliminary determination to issue bonds to finance the Projects.
The public is invited to attend and participate in the public hearings. Due to the current Indiana Public Health Emergency and pursuant to Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-09, the meetings on 4/9 and 4/23 will occur virtually via Zoom. Information on how to attend virtually is available upon request by calling 317-770-3202. Zoom meetings may be attended via computer, portable internet-connected device, smartphone, or telephone.
The Hamilton East Public Library