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October 25, 2024

World Animal Month: It Must Be Great If It Has an Animal on the Cover!

world animal month

By Joan D., Public Services Assistant

Most of us love animals and have had one or two or more of them play important roles in our lives. They can help us relax after a stressful day, encourage us to exercise, provide support and protection, and in turn, we are responsible for their lives. Many animals are our companions, helpers, and guides. They are also hunters and sources of food. World Animal Month, celebrated in October, hopes to bring attention to and increase appreciation of our furry, scaly, and feathered friends.

Celebrated in over 80 countries, this special month reminds us of our responsibility for their treatment and living conditions in our homes, in captivity, and in the wild. Books, movies and online resources can provide information to educate and entertain us by bringing attention to animals and their importance.

There are many resources at Hamilton East Public Library for young and old including books (eBooks, audiobooks, and physical books), databases, games, DVDs, and magazines. A small sampling is included here:


Okavango River of Dreams

Okavango: River of Dreams

Europe's New Wild

Europe’s New Wild

Adult Nonfiction

The Purest Bond by Golbeck

The Purest Bond: Understanding the Human-Canine Connection by Jenn Golbeck and Stacey Colino

learning to be wild by Safina

Learning To Be Wild : How Animals Achieve Peace, Create Beauty, and Raise Families by Carl Safina

How to Love Animals in a Human-Shaped World by Henry Mance

How to Love Animals In a Human-Shaped World by Henry Mance

The Age of Deer by Erika Howsare

The Age of Deer: Trouble and Kinship With Our Wild Neighbors by Erika Howsare

Youth Nonfiction

They Are Here by Roland Smith

They Are Here!: How Invasive Species Are Spoiling Our Ecosystems by Roland Smith

Creatures- How Adventurers, Artists, Scientists–And You–Can Protect Earth’s Animals by Andrea Debbink

Creatures: How Adventurers, Artists, Scientists–And You–Can Protect Earth’s Animals by Andrea Debbink

Conservation Canines by Isabelle Groc

Conservation Canines: How Dogs Work for the Environment by Isabelle Groc

animal minds what are they thinking by Church

Animal Minds: What Are They Thinking? By Dana L. Church