The Spy Catchers of Maple Hill
By: Megan Frazer Blakemore
Hazel Kaplansky is smart, so smart she is always in trouble at home and school. Hazel has also read every Nancy Drew story and believes she can solve mysteries with her interview and surveillance skills. Missing a best friend who moved away, Hazel’s precocious nature and love of mystery keep her busy piecing together Maple Hill’s past and present. There are layers to this novel that takes place in Vermont during the Cold War era. Hazel’s urgent need to provide her family with a well-stocked fall-out shelter, (in a mausoleum!), rumors of a Russian spy and a new friend with secrets of his own, Hazel is relentless in her search to solve all the mysterious happenings. In the process, she learns more than she ever could imagine about the nuances of friendship, respect and town life.
Recommended ages 8+
Review By: Debra Wietecha