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March 05, 2019

Music March

Music March

By: Ann Axon

I am sure that most parents cruising along the information highway have run across articles about music and children’s development maybe like this one: The Importance of Music in Early Childhood Development, and I’m sure that many of you right now are saying, “Music!? I can’t carry a tune” or “I haven’t played an instrument since I was a kid (and I do not miss it)!  So you ask yourself how am I supposed to add music to my child’s life?  Very easy! You can find programs at both Noblesville (Tot Tunes and Dance Jump and Jive) and Fishers (Movin’ and Groovin’) that fill this need and the schedules are posted on our website. You can just as easily do it in the comfort of your own home or when you’re traveling in the car. You can find many CD’s here at the library to check out and you can stream music thru Apple Music, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube.

I know many parents are afraid to sing to their child because they “can’t carry a tune” but trust me, your child really doesn’t care how well you sing!  They will enjoy just being with you.  So what are some of the songs that I’ve found to be big hits with the under four crowd?

The Laurie Berkner Band’s music is very popular and the songs are easy to sing along. At you will find her entire library of works along with the lyrics. She even posts fun crafts to do as well. Her CD’s are found in the Youth Service area at both libraries under, J CD BERKNER.

Jim Gill has many songs set to tunes you already know but new words.  I really enjoy his music because the words are often the actions that go with the song.  On his website, you can find his recordings and other interesting information. He does come to Hamilton County to perform and I highly recommend attending if you ever get the chance as he will convince you that anyone is capable of singing/playing with their kids!  His CD’s are found in our collection under, J CD GILL.

These are just two of the many children’s artists that we have in our collection. So put those doubts away, pick up a CD and just have fun!