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The Wall Street Journal Eastern Addition

The Wall Street Journal Eastern Addition In addition to being the financial newspaper of record, ProQuest’s The Wall Street Journal provides full-text coverage of politics, society, and events of the time, from 1984 to present. Access...

NoveList Plus®

NoveList Plus® NoveList Plus® is a powerful online tool to ensure that library patrons find books that will keep them reading and coming back to the library for more. A unique, easy-to-use, searchable online database with over 251,000 fiction and nonfiction titles,...

NoveList K-8 Plus

NoveList K-8 Plus NoveList K-8 Plus is a comprehensive reading resource for fiction and nonfiction. With its fun and intuitive interface, and extensive feature content, NoveList K-8 Plus will help you integrate reading across the curriculum and support your young...

Gale Directory Library

Gale Directory Library Gale Directory Library offers you an online collection of premier directories, expanding your power to search for directory entries in a variety of ways, as well as giving you quick and easy digital ways to view, store and export the data you...

Value Line

Value Line Value Line contains accurate, in-depth financial information on 1,700 actively traded, U.S. exchange-listed equities, in over 90 industry sectors. Renowned full-page stock reports are densely packed with current and historical data, income statements,...