Family History Day at HEPL
By:Â Nancy Massey
Next month, October, is Family History Month, time to jumpstart that ancestor hunt! To celebrate this special theme, we are planning an event that will inspire and encourage you to explore and research your ancestry. Why? Because researching and remembering our ancestors brings honor to those who went before us and provides roots for future generations. I hope you will be able to join us for this special event.
This event is for beginners and experienced researchers. Beginners who are just now interested in their family’s history and experienced researchers who want to know more about genealogical resources and methods. In short, this event is for you! I encourage you to explore what HEPL is offering in terms of genealogical research.
This is a great opportunity to interact with other genealogists and historians. You can participate in panel discussions, attend three terrific classes, and research to your heart’s content. If you haven’t toured the Indiana Room, this is the time!
This all-day event begins at 9:30 am and ends about 4 pm. When you arrive at the library, come up to the Indiana Room for a name tag and an agenda of the day’s activities. The Indiana Room resources will be highlighted with tours and research assistance. You will meet the Indiana Room staff!
The Computer Training Lab will be open for individual research. We will briefly demonstrate features of our genealogy database subscriptions such as, Ancestry Library Edition, American Ancestors, Heritage Quest Online,, and Fold3. You are welcomed to bring your laptop to access these subscriptions with the library’s Wi-Fi. Bring a flashdrive to save your discoveries. Bring family information to start your research.
Steven Frank, a team leader with the Central Indiana DNA Interest Group, will present a session on DNA and Genealogy. As a professional genealogist, he will also present a session on Alsace-Lorraine Genealogy Research.
Kent Robinson, past president of the Indiana Chapter and immediate past National president of the Palatines to America, will introduce us to the joys and challenges of Beginning German Genealogy Research.
Meet representatives of the local historical societies to learn about their missions in preserving local history. Meet representatives of various lineage societies to learn about eligibility requirements, the application process, and their service projects.
If you completed a family history project, book, quilt, or whatever, you are encouraged to bring in your project to share with other genealogists in a display setting. We will have an area in the Indiana Room set up to display such treasures. We are all interested in knowing how to share our family history research with family members and other researchers. This is an opportunity to share with others how you organized your research to share with others.
Does research make you hungry? A light lunch will be provided from 12 – 2:30 pm. Door prizes, including an Ancestry DNA kit, will be drawn just prior to 4 pm. You must be present to win a door prize. You can stay for the whole day, part of the day, or just the special genealogy presentations! This is a free event but registration is required for this event as we want to make sure our speakers have enough handouts and we have enough food to share for lunch.
I hope to see you on Saturday, October 12, 2019 for a special day of activities, tours, classes, and research.
Happy Ancestor Hunting!