National Geographic Kids Fun and substantive, National Geographic Kids will take kids on amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space. Includes National Geographic Kids magazine 2009-present (3 month embargo), 200 National Geographic Kids...
Mango Mango is a free library resource for library patrons and offers access to 60 foreign language courses and 17 English courses taught in the user’s native language. Each lesson combines real life situations and audio from native speakers with simple, clear...
Global Road Warrior The Global Road Warrior Library Edition is the most comprehensive business travel, telecommunications and business culture reference available in the world and covers 175 countries. Access...
A to Z: World Travel A to Z World Travel is a comprehensive, informative, and fun e-content travel database offering free and exclusive tourist and culture information on more than 160 of the top travel destinations in North America and around the globe. Access...