The Cemetery Boys
By: Heather Brewer
There’s more to this town than you think…
Stephen and his father try to start a new life in the small town of Spencer, Michigan. Soon after moving from Denver, he meets twins Cara and Devon while learning of the not-so-normal traditions within the founding history of Spencer. Stephen quickly learns that some of his new friends may not be ones he should trust.
This YA book is a call to all horror lovers out there and is filled with many creepy and haunting instances that play a big part in hooking the reader in. As described, the town and its inhabitants feel just like they’re from an Alfred Hitchcock movie. The horror elements are a bit weak at times and the main character (Stephen) doesn’t lend to the overall creepy tone, but ultimately there’s an intriguing and dark mystery about the town (especially the cemetery, called The Playground) that makes the story quite the page-turner.
If you’re interested in “old-time” horror movies & very scary stories than The Cemetery Boys will be quite the treat for you to read. Rating 4 out of 5 stars.
Review By: Anders Arnold